January 13, 2025
Happy Birthday to:
James Lomenzo
Tim Kelly

Artist of the Week

Classic of the Week
Shout at the Devil
Return of the Kings
Horns For A Halo
After The Storm
Confusion to the Enemy
Cooking with Pagans

Cane Rat
Thryonomys swinderlanus
RANGE: Africa, south of the Sahara
HABITAT: grassy plains, sugarcane plantations
BODY: 13.75-24 in
TAIL: 2.75-9.75 in
Cane Rat
Cane rats do not normally live in burrows, preferring to construct a sleeping platform from chopped-up vegetation when needed. Occasionally, though, they take over disused aardvark or porcupine burrows or seek refuge among a pile of boulders. In southern Africa, cane rats are known to mate from April to June and to give birth to litters of 2 to 4 young after a gestation of 2 months. The young cane rats are born with their eyes open and are able to run around soon after birth.
Unfortunately not fit into payday loan company people apply for one off.
Rat information compliments of Macmillan Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia
Rat illustration by Graham Allen

“Is there something I'm supposed to learn from all the lies and pain? Like angels fall from heaven with every drop of rain...”
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