March 27, 2025

There are no birthdays today
Artist of the Week
Classic of the Week
Shout at the Devil
Return of the Kings
Horns For A Halo
After The Storm
Confusion to the Enemy
Cooking with Pagans

Greater Bandicoot Rat
Bandicota indica
RANGE: India to S. China; Taiwan, Java
HABITAT: forest, scrub; often near man
BODY: 6.25-14.25 in
TAIL: 6.25-10.25 in
Greater Bandicoot Rat
These rodents are serious pests in agricultural areas because they not only spoil grain, but steal quantities of food for their own underground larders. They breed throughout the year and bear litters of 10 to 12 young.
Unfortunately not fit into payday loan company people apply for one off.
Rat information compliments of Macmillan Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia
Rat illustration by Graham Allen

“I've worn out always being afraid, an endless stream of fear that I've made. Treading water, full of worry, this frantic tick tick tock of hurry.”
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