February 21, 2025
Happy Birthday to:
Tommy Hendriks

Artist of the Week

Classic of the Week
Shout at the Devil
Return of the Kings
Horns For A Halo
After The Storm
Confusion to the Enemy
Cooking with Pagans

Rough-Tailed Giant Rat
Hyoms goliath
RANGE: New Guinea
HABITAT: forest
BODY: 11.5-15.25 in
TAIL: 9.75-15 in
Rough-Tailed Giant Rat
This rat derives its common name from the thick overlapping scales covering the underside of its tail. As these scales are often worn down, it is thought that they act to prevent the tail from slipping when it is used as a brace when the rat is climbing. This shy, secretive species is poorly studied, but it appears to feed on epiphytic plants on the branches of trees and on insects.
Unfortunately not fit into payday loan company people apply for one off.
Rat information compliments of Macmillan Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia
Rat illustration by Graham Allen

“As the sun goes down, I move around, keeping to the shadows. Life hangs by a thread, and I've heard it said, that I'll not see tomorrow.”
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