Hair of the Dog cd cover

Hair of the Dog

Hair of the Dog

  1. Cadillac Jack
  2. Whiskey Tango
  3. Sweet Lady Vegas
  4. As I Am
  5. Alone
  6. Southern Cock
  7. The Party Ain't Over
  8. Stomp
  9. Satin Girl
  10. Monster
  11. Killin' Heart

Hair of the Dog, with their 'fist in the air' assault towards Rock 'n' Roll uncluttered and in its purest form. Imagine the dirtiest, nastiest, and most unholy bar room on the face of the planet and HOTD will be there struttin' their stuff providing the meanest rock imaginable.


Average Visitor Rating9.6
“Everybody wants to find it. Just they're all so narrow minded. See a hill they gotta climb it. Maybe pot of gold behind it.”
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