April 25, 2024

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Artist of the Week

Classic of the Week
Shout at the Devil
Return of the Kings
Horns For A Halo
After The Storm
Confusion to the Enemy
Cooking with Pagans

Gliding Spiny Rat
Diplomys labilis
RANGE: Panama
HABITAT: forest
BODY: 9.75-19 in
TAIL: 7.75-11 in
Gliding Spiny Rat
Well adapted for arboreal life, the gliding spiny rat has long, strong toes and sharp, curved claws with which it can grip the smoothest of bark. Its common name derives from its habit of leaping from branch to branch, spreading its limbs to utilize its gliding membrane as it does so. Gliding spiny rats make their nests in hollows in trees near water. They breed throughout the year, producing litters of 2 young after a gestation period about 60 days. The young are able to clamber around among the branches a few hours after they are born.
Unfortunately not fit into payday loan company people apply for one off.
Rat information compliments of Macmillan Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia
Rat illustration by Graham Allen

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